Mischief Managed *taps wand*

Death and Mr. Van Praagh
[Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003 | 9:55 pm]

Death is something everyone thinks about. There are so many unanswered (possibly unanswerable) questions about death and what may happen thereafter - if anything. How total is death? Do you believe in a "life" after death? In the existence of "souls"? It is a grim thought that we simply pass into oblivion - and it is not what I believe happens.

In the back of my mind, I have always believed that something of us remains after we die. And for me, James Van Praagh was the confirmation. I believe in his ability; I've never doubted it.

Oh, if you're not familiar with James Van Praagh, here's little from his biography to give you an idea - this is from the official site. Go to http://www.vanpraagh.com/bio.cfm to read more.

James is a survival evidence medium, meaning that he is able to bridge the gap between two planes of existence, that of the living and that of the dead, by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages. "I'm clairsentient," he explains, "which simply means clear feeling. I feel the emotions and personalities of the deceased. I am also clairvoyant," he adds, clarifying that, "the first is feeling, the second is seeing, very much like Whoopi Goldberg in the movie, Ghost."

When I first saw him on TV years ago, I honestly didn't feel shocked at all. I believed he was speaking to the dead from the first time I watched him (this was about ten years ago). He says that he doesn't believe just anyone can do what he does. He wasn't at all being conceited in that statement, I believe what he meant was that not everyone may have the discipline of mind or concentration that I'm sure would be needed in training the mind to "tune in" to that realm.

Personally, I think that many, many people could have his ability. I know many at least have the potential. I'm not afraid to admit that I've heard voices myself. Just bits and pieces really. Enough to tell whether it was male or female and to guess the age. Some voices are louder than others and they say such random things. Listening to them is like picking up the phone on a party line. Fortunately, I've never heard a voice of one that seemed in torment.

I most often hear voices when I'm trying to go to sleep, but I'm not that tired. I have to be in a calm, quiet environment. If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Van Praagh began his training with meditation. (I wasn't meditating, but the circumstances were similar.) The more he practiced "tuning in", the easier it became for him to hear the voices on command and to single one out.

I will mention that I have seen images before, but very rarely and they only flash in my mind, like an afterimage. I can't really say much about the images though - I simply don't experience that often enough.

I consider James Van Praagh living proof of life beyond death. And that is comforting. Many people fear death, but I'd like to think that it's not the event of death that we're afraid of - losing everything that we are is, I think, the real fear. So much knowledge and experience, what is the point of our intelligence if it could be lost so completely? It would be such a waste.

Take a moment and try to imagine not having any awareness. It's very hard for me. I can't really imagine not being. Is death like an eternal sleep with no dreams?

To me, the intelligence and awareness we possess seem very separate from all other aspects of "life". Does the power of our minds rely completely on our bodies to be alive? There's probably a better way of wording that, but that's the best I can think of at the moment.

Perhaps one day I'll try in earnest to unlock the abilities I may or may not have. I don't feel it's time for me to do that yet though. But imagine how it could change our lives if a couple of people in every family had the ability to talk to deceased loved ones. Just as advances in technology enhance our lives, I believe some level of contact with departed loved ones would enrich our lives.

It all seems to give the phrase "best of both worlds" a new meaning, doesn't it?

"You know who I am," he said The speaker was an angel. He coughed and shook his crumpled wings, closed his eyes and moved his lips "It's time we should be going" --David Bowie, Lodger "Look Back In Anger" (1979)

(can't alter your past) - (can't escape your destiny)

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