Mischief Managed *taps wand*

[Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004 | 2:44 pm]

Hypnagogic - today's "Word of the Day" from Dictionary.com. It's defined as relating to the images or hallucinations sometimes perceived during the state of being only half asleep. Or something close to that.

Let's use it in a sentence, shall we?

I experienced at least two hypnagogic hallucinations this morning because my son kept me from truly falling asleep.

I believed my husband had come home early with the groceries I told him to pick up after work.

I believed I was in the garage getting the steam-cleaner ready for use, and I was singing "All This Time" by Tiffany while I did so. That right there should have clued me in that it wasn't real. Tiffany?

This is what only 3� hours of nighttime sleep can do to you. :)

I'm sure you're all aware of your own hypnagogic experiences. It pretty much happens to everyone. I, myself, dislike the hypnagogic state. I dislike the confusion, however temporary it is.

I don't like to get out of bed and get ready to go somewhere ten times before I actually get up to get ready to go somewhere. It's frustrating, and sleep in that state isn't truly "rest."

Sometimes my mind feels like it's its own separate entity, you know?

I'm clearing some space in my bookcases by selling some books. There is a link there on the right where you can purchase one if you'd like. Not a fancy page, but it'll do. Over time, I'll be adding more items: books, magazines, jewelry, odds & ends, etc. Maybe you'll see something you'd like.

Get some sleep! :)

(can't alter your past) - (can't escape your destiny)

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