Mischief Managed *taps wand*

Hell's Secret Revealed, a dream
[Monday, Oct. 20, 2003 | 2:42 am]

I want to share another dream with you from my dream journal - I think I've only shared one other. I know it could be read there, but I won't make you hunt for it. It's a dream I had on April 17, 2002, about an idea of what Hell may be. I call it "Hell's Secret Revealed".


As the dream started, I was already dead and buried and was in some strange purgatory kind of place. There were about ten others with me and our "guide" was my old boss, except he had more hair.

After our little introductory meeting, we were allowed to explore a little. I found an interesting looking room and walked inside. I didn't see him until I was well inside the room, but Chuck Norris was in there! He told me he was a powerful demon whom the living could hire to do evil to an enemy. After hearing this, I left as quickly as I could.

Soon afterwards, I found an escalator going down and I was curious about where it led. So I took it all the way down... into Hell.

Hell's weather was sunny and fair. The escalator had stopped on a yacht and there were people in fold out chairs getting some sun, having drinks, watching the water - which was stunningly beautiful! But there was something else about the place. Suddenly it hit me. It was an epiphany! And I finally knew and understood what exactly Hell was.

Hell was a place where you could finally have peace and quiet to think. That was the whole purpose of the place. To think. The "Hell" of it was that whatever you finally realized, whatever you finally remembered that was important in life, or whatever problems you finally solved, you couldn't do anything about it because you were in Hell. It was too late.

It was too late if you remembered something important you forgot to do in your life. If creative thinking led you to a brilliant idea, it was simply too late. Why be able to think so clearly in a place where thought doesn't matter at all? That was the ultimate torture of it: Everything so clear finally in this peaceful quiet where thoughts could flourish like they never could during life, but always too late. And there was a feeling of sadness and frustration that seemed to be present in the air itself, like an aroma.

When I came back to my senses, I realized that I wasn't suppose to have wandered there, so I left. I made it back to purgatory in time to get in line with everyone else to have our sins and good deeds assessed. I do remember there was girl in the line named "Cole Slaw".

There were about seven "operators", each with a desk and computer and papers and such, and as soon as there was one available, one of us would take our turn.

Finally, there was an operator free to go over my "case". She called up my files on her computer and said there were only two sins that counted on my record. But she was able to relieve me of one of them due to some technicality. She didn't even bother to tell me what sin it was, but she acted like it was something that shouldn't have been there anyway. So I was down to one.

My sin was that I stole a board game that cost $69.99. It was a game based on some horror movie that I'd never even seen. I couldn't believe I was going to be sent to Hell for stealing a board game!

My mind was racing. What could I do? I couldn't promise to return it or pay for it - I was dead! I started to apologize for stealing it, but stopped myself realizing the stupidity of such a thing. It wasn't her I needed to make reparations to. So, I just sat there in a silent panic until she told me that if I could answer one question about the game, I could go to Heaven. For a split second, I thought that sounded like an excellent deal. Then I remembered that I'd never even played the game after I'd stolen it!

The question was, "What are the bad guys known as in this board game?" I was given a piece of paper with multiple choice answers - about ten to choose from! I thought I was going to Hell for sure. But then she said I could watch the movie that the game was based on then answer the question. So I went to a different desk and watched the movie until I heard the name of the bad guys. It was a long name, several words. It was "Gothic something somethings". I don't remember now. But I answered the question correctly and was given a passport to enter Heaven. I left the offices, but before I got to Heaven, I woke up.

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. --John Milton, Paradise Lost

(can't alter your past) - (can't escape your destiny)

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