Mischief Managed *taps wand*

The 1994 Phenomenon
[Thursday, Apr. 21, 2005 | 1:35 am]

This entry may be meaningless to many of you, but I'm going to do it anyway.

The most event-filled year of my life was 1994. It was also the most magical, the most meaningful for a list of reasons. Things happened that affected my life for years to come. Whenever I think of just the numbers 1994, I get an eerie sort of feeling, as if that year is still very much alive in my mind. Another one of those things that's hard to put into words.

Well, over the years I made lots of friends and almost all of them had their "special stories" of 1994. Those "don't get me started" kinds of stories, whether good or bad. For some, 1994 was their worst year; for others, the best. But there was one main thing in common: 1994 was a turning point of some kind. It was catastrophic. It was prosperous. It was something that they'd never forget. It was either a year they desperately wanted to forget, or never ever wanted to forget. It wasn't something I could call coincidence, really. Things happen. Just because it all happened in 1994 didn't really stand out for more than a minute.

In more recent years, through reading online journals and forums, I discovered even more people who had powerful experiences in 1994 - people of all ages and backgrounds. It was seriously getting creepy.

Although I've never really been into astrology, I actually began to wonder if that year had been significant for some cosmic reason. You know... "in the stars" as they say. It was the only thing I could come up with. There was no real common ground to the events for any of us who had a "big 1994," except that most of what happened to people happened around the summer months. So I actually did a search for any odd happenings in the heavens, and I found this: The Jupiter Event Prophesy #2.
(see also: NASA: Comet Shoemaker-Levy Collision with Jupiter)

What happened? In the summer of 1994 (July 16 - July 22), Comet Shoemaker-Levy, made up of 21 fragments, impacted on Jupiter - three fragments a day for seven days. And it seems a connection can be made with passages from the Kaballah that were written 1800 years ago: "They (the comet's fragments) will turn toward it (Jupiter) making war with it on every side, three times a day for seven days and the entire world will observe them." There's more of this on the "Jupiter Prophesy" site I linked to.

The nature of this event, as described in the Kaballah, chapter 103, is "a process of great refinement and purification for all the inhabitants of the world," according to Yaakov's email.

Far-fetched? Possibly. But it's, at least, interesting.

The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world... to see clearly is poetry, prophecy and religion all in one. -- John Ruskin

(can't alter your past) - (can't escape your destiny)

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